
Confirmation Candy Bar Wrappers

Confirmation Candy Bar Wrappers

Browse through our selection of Confirmation candy bar wrappers that will make the perfect Confirmation party favors for your special celebration.  You can even add a photo to many of these designs.  Everyone loves chocolate and your guests will love receiving these personalized Hershey bars as their party favor.  You can add a "nutritional label" to the back of them or you can add a simple thank you statement.  Either way, they are sure to be a "sweet" addition to your confirmation celebration.  You can order them with or without the chocolate bars.  If you order the wrappers only, you can purchase the candy bars and we will provide you with the personaized wrappers and the foil and you can wrap them yourself or you can order the fully wrapped chocolate bars where they will arrive complete and ready to hand out.  You can also choose from several different foil colors to add that extra bit of color or you can stick with the classic silver foil to recreate the classic Hershey bar look.

  • Confirmation Candy Bar Wrappers Confirmation Candy Bar Wrappers

    Confirmation Candy Bar Wrappers

    These confirmation candy bar wrappers will make woderful confirmation party favors for your guests at your confirmation celebration.  You can personalize both the front and back of the chocolate bar wrappers with whatever text you would like. ...
  • Confirmation Chocolate Bars Confirmation Chocolate Bars Blank

    Confirmation Chocolate Bars

    These confirmation chocolate bars make wonderful confirmation party favors to give to your friends, family and guests as a token of appreciation for spending this speial occasion with you.  You can personalize them on the front and back of the...
  • Confirmation Candy Bar Favors Confirmation Candy Bar Favors

    Confirmation Candy Bar Favors

    These confirmation candy bar favors will make a great addition to your confirmation celebration.  You can choose your chocolate bar and order them as fully wrapped candy bars or you can purchase your own Hershey bars and order them as wrappers only...
  • Confirmation Party Favor Confirmation Party Favor Blank

    Confirmation Party Favor

    These Hershey bar wrappers make a great confirmation party favor.  They can be personalized however you would like on both the front and the back of the chocolate bar wrappers.  They will make a sweet addition to your celebration.  Your...
  • Confirmation Chocolate Favors

    Confirmation Chocolate Favors

    These confirmation chocolate favors are the perfect token of your appreciation to give to your guests for celebrating this spcial event with you.  You can personalize both the front and the back of the Hershey bars with whatever text you would like...
  • Pink Confirmation Candy Bar Wrapper Red Confirmation Candy Bar Wrapper

    Confirmation Candy Bar Wrapper

    This Confirmation candy bar wrapper can be personalized with whatever text you would like on both the front and back of the chocolate bar wrappers.  You can even add a photo if you wish to this design.  You can order them with the Hershey bars...
  • Confirmation Chocolate Bar Favors Confirmation Chocolate Bar Favors Blank

    Confirmation Chocolate Bar Favors

    These confirmation chocolate bar favors are perfect party favors for your confirmation party or celebration.  You can order them as fully wrapped Hershey bars where they will arrive ready to hand out to your guests or as wrappers only where you...
  • Confirmation Candy Bar Confirmation Candy Bar Blank

    Confirmation Candy Bar

    This confirmation candy bar wlll make a great party favor for your confirmation party or celebration.  You can personalize these chocolate bar wrappers on both the front and the back with whatever text you would like.  They can be ordered with...
  • Confirmation Party Favors Confirmation Party Favors Blank

    Confirmation Party Favors

    These confirmation party favors will be a sweet addition to your confirmation party.  They can be personalized on both the front and the back of the candy bar wrappers.  You can add your personal touch to them to make this occasion especially...
  • Confirmation Candy Favors Confirmation Candy Favors Blank

    Confirmation Candy Favors

    These confirmation candy favors will be the perfect addition to your confirmation party or celebration.  You can personalized them on both the front and the back of the Hershey bars with whatever text you would like.  You can choose pink foil...
  • Confirmation Chocolate Wrappers Confirmation Chocolate Wrappers Blank

    Confirmation Chocolate Wrappers

    These confirmation chocolate wrappers fit over a standard size 1.55 oz Hershey candy bar.  You can personalize them on both the front and back of the candy bar wrappers.  They are sure to be a hit at your celebration.  Your guest will love...
  • Confirmation Candy Wrapper Confirmation Candy Wrapper Blank

    Confirmation Candy Wrapper

    This confirmation candy wrapper fits over a standard size 1.55 oz Hershey Chocolate Bar.  You can add your own customizaion to both the front and the back of the candy bar wrappers.  They will make a very sweet addition to any confrmation...
  • Confirmation Candy Wrappers Sample Confirmation Candy Wrappers

    Confirmation Candy Wrappers

    These Confirmation candy wrappers make great party favors for a confirmation, first holy communion, baptism or any other religious occasion or event. They are sure to make the occasion more memorable and guests will love receiving these little edible...